Halloween is rapidly approaching, which means the holidays are drawing near. Between now and the end of the year, one may gain as much as ten pounds. Fortunately, a little pre-planning now can prevent this from becoming a reality. Enter into this holiday season with eyes wide open and do the following:
Increase your awareness:
Be aware of your choices, portions & irregular eating habits due to holidays, parties, etc. If you know you have an elaborate dinner or party to attend that you will indulge at, then you need to plan around it as it pertains to your breakfast & lunch selections, alcohol consumption and overall activity level. Think ahead and plan for the worst.
Spring into action:
Action follows intention. So, intend to...remove Halloween candy from your home asap and buy the kind that isn't your personal favorite.
Plan and consume (pre-load) healthy snacks and meals prior to parties where you know temptation will be high.
Bump up your workout and overall daily activity level. Where possible, stand, don't sit. Walk, don't ride.
Establish Plan B now for an alternate workout schedule, as there will be times when you know you cannot workout per your usual schedule. Stay away from the slippery slope of not exercising altogether, or telling yourself that you will resume after the holidays.
Address "Fitness Saboteurs". Is there a family member, friend or co-worker who sabotages your regimen because it simply means nothing to them? Address them directly and ask for their support. Tell them it is important to you and why. Most people are happy to be helpful once they have been recruited to be. Keep in mind that a happier you results in a positive, happiness trickle down effect, of which they will ultimately benefit from. It is a proven fact that individuals achieve better outcomes when they make healthy living a "family" effort.
Get Honest:
Yes, it is hard to be disciplined with diet and exercise over the holidays. You can, however, prevent major peril by being honest about your weaknesses and by following through on a different plan this year. Acknowledge last year’s struggles and sidestep those pitfalls by handling them differently. Do not behave the same way again this year and expect different results.
With some effort, you will avoid unnecessary weight gain and be well positioned to springboard into further success in the New Year.