I told you so! When people were constantly asking me about what I thought of the "tone-up/shape-up" shoes that hit the consumer market like a tsunami not so long ago, I consistently advised all inquiring to save their money. I warned all of junk science and false advertising claims. Many folks shared with me that for only $30 - $40 a pair, hedging bets on them possibly working may be well worth it! Is this the dumming down of Americans happening before my very eyes?
Skechers just agreed to settle a lawsuit over their shoes for $40 million dollars. Sadly, $40 million dollars may be considered the cost of doing business as God only knows what Skechers profited from them while they were on the market. Thankfully, through this judgement, the Federal Trade Commission is sending a message that will help protect future consumers from future iterations of gimmicks that promise too much, and deliver too little.
I was thrilled to learn of this settlement, because apparently, despite living in an era of more educated and savvy consumers, we still cannot use our brains in decision making processes involving weight loss, or becoming more fit and beautiful. When shortcuts and quick fixes are advertised in these areas, the general public eagerly buys into them. I have worked with clients that openly shared with me their challenges in justifying the cost of my in-home personal training services, that had no problem scouring the malls to make a $40 hedge bet on any version of "tone-up" shoes they could find. Forget about following the advice and instruction of a certified fitness professional with thousands of hours of instruction time and years in the industry when you can get right to it with a pair of forty dollar, squishy shoes. Ugh! Get my drift?
This problem is not going away. There will always be groups of people in corporate America, getting paid big bucks to carefully craft the next big thing, and to develop a compelling ad campaign that convinces you why you need it. Please, keep your wits about you. Talk to health and fitness professionals and get an unbiased opinion. Remember that there hasn't been any shortcuts to better health in recent centuries. Moving into the future, companies will work smarter, harder, and faster to better package and market their products. Therefore, consumers must also work smarter, harder and faster to protect themselves.