Sunday, November 21, 2010

Physical Fitness Components

Physical fitness has four major components and industry experts are looking ahead into the possibility of a fifth that might include mind/body vitality.  I believe a quality fitness program will include focus on all of the components, not just one.  It may be relatively easy for an individual to achieve muscular strength or solid cardiovascular endurance, but those that work towards development of all four major components will become wickedly strong and healthy.  What are the four basic components?

Muscular strength
This is one component of muscular fitness. it is the maximal force that a muscle or muscle group can exert during a contraction. This strength is necessary for everyday functioning as we lift and carry items nearly every day.  The second component is muscular endurance, which is the ability of a muscle or muscle group to exert force against resistance over a sustained period. It represents the duration or number of repetitions that can be performed without fatigue.

Cardiovascular endurance
This is the maximal capacity of the heart, blood vessels and lungs to deliver oxygen and nutrients to working muscles so energy can be produced.  The higher one's cardio endurance, the more physical work can be performed before fatigue.

The ability to move joints though their normal full range of motion.  Good flexibility helps prevent musculoskeletal injuries, assists with good posture and provides functional movement.

Body composition
This refers to the body makeup and what portion of the body is lean body mass vs. body fat.  Lean body mass includes muscles, bones, nervous tissue, skin, blood and organs. These items positively contribute to a good metabolic rate and contribute to physical performance.  Body fat can be broken down further into essential fat and storage fat.  Essential body fat is thought to be necessary for maintenance of life and reproduction and is thought to be about 2 - 5% for men, 10 - 13% for women.  Storage fat has no real value and excess is associated with health issues including hypertension, type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease.

If you want to embrace the "total health package", then solid emphasis should be put on all of the physical fitness components.  Consultations and workouts I bring to my clients will include all.  I do not desire for my clients to get into good shape, I want them to get into great shape. The group fitness classes I teach also include these elements as I want every class participant to experience a complete workout and feel exhilarated throughout. 

Try not to settle into the rut of concentrating on one or two activities that develop only one or two components of fitness.  Instead, challenge yourself to develop further by taking your fitness to the next level. Widen your scope of efforts and experience better health.