Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fitness Gimmicks: Buyer Beware

There are multiple fitness gimmicks launched and sold every year promising immediate weight loss, six-pack abs and profound results without having to do any work.  Every product launched stands to make millions because the general public desperately wants to believe in quick-fix promises.  Reflecting back, I can recall multiple products enjoying a successful sales cycle of about two years. This is just long enough to sell millions, and approximately how long it takes for real consumer feedback to disseminate and confirm the fact that these products do not make good on their promises. 

Buyer beware, these miracle products tiptoe around false advertising with total precision.  New gimmicks are brought to market often for the simple reason that people keep buying them.  The infomercials are slick, and the fitness models in them are attractive and convincing.  No one seems to pay much attention to the small disclaimer print on the bottom of the TV screen where things like "Results May Vary" or  "Results Not Typical" are always stated.  Take notice of what gimmicks are available for purchase today, two years from now they will be gone.  New products will have taken their place, with even more remarkable claims.

If you can manage to not fall under the spell of slick advertising and beautiful models, you may realize the following basic truths:
  1. Exercise equipment does not force you to exercise, you must choose to use it.
  2. Nearly every person doing consistent abdominal work has six-pack abs.  Six-pack muscle definition, however, cannot be seen if there is significant body fat covering the muscles.
  3. Yes, certain detox diets & cleanses provide weight loss, but it is NOT due to the product, it is due to the reduction of calories being consumed over the process of detox/cleanse. Results are temporary!
  4. Yes, weight loss can be achieved via unique exercise/dance type videos, but it is NOT due to the specific video/program format.  Weight loss has much more to do with the fact that one is moving/exercising and burning calories than the fact that it involves a stripper pole, Latin dance rhythms, etc.
  5. If something sounds to good to be true, it probably is.
Please be responsible with your health & fitness purchases. Before buying the next greatest thing on the market, ask yourself if you have seen something similar before.  Chances are good that you have as many ideas are recycled over time. Understand that gimmicks do not withstand the test of time.  What does withstand the test of time is the truth.  The truth is that within the past century or so, we have learned that proper diet and exercise provide the real promise of optimal health.  Proper diet and exercise require real thought, effort and commitment.  Sadly, there stands to be no money made on this basic concept, therefore, it will not be advertised to you anytime soon.