I cannot tell you how much I hate to hear this from people as this has to be the most overused excuse for not exercising. Lose the preconceived notion that large chunks of time have to be allocated for exercise. Exercising moderately for just 10 minutes three to four times per week will offer health benefits. Remember that these benefits are cumulative.
Get creative in carving out a few minutes of exercise time. For instance, DVR a favorite show and fast forward through commercials in order to create that 10 minutes that "does not exist" or, watch a recorded show and exercise through every commercial break. Make it happen.
Some new research that indicates that there may be some benefits to taking a traditional 60-minute workout and breaking it up into two separate workout sessions of 30 minutes. The possible benefit in doing so is that after exercise our bodies enjoy a metabolic boost for a window of time. More research is required, but there is indication that through utilization of two, smaller workouts, we are lengthening that period of increased metabolism. Yes, less may actually be more...and ANYTHING is better than nothing.
Unexpected benefits to exercising moderately might be a higher level of functional fitness. This means that an elderly person might have more energy and endurance to go about their daily routines and therefore maintain more independent living. It may also mean that a working professional can do their job better through ease of movement and increased efficiency. Most people take functional fitness for granted until they do not have it anymore, and losing functional fitness only leads to a more sedentary lifestyle. Get yourself moving and know that every active minute counts.