I am not the proud creator of any of these fitness expressions, but use them regularly as a fitness instructor and have given some serious contemplation as to what they mean. These are some of my favorites, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
"Pain is weakness leaving the body."
Yes, it really is. This can be interpreted literally as you push through physical challenges and endure pain in order to become a physically stronger person. This can also be interpreted more figuratively, in a mental regard. Every physical challenge met with success creates a positive mental sense of well being. Perceptions of being weak or incapable of pushing through adversity begin to fade away through repeating the process.
"Can't means I won't."
Very true, like it or not! If you find yourself repeatedly saying "I can't", then you have made a conscious decision NOT to TRY. Explore the number of times you say "I can't" in any situation, and look beyond those words every time you use them. Is it really true that you can't, or is it more honest to say you don't feel like trying, it will be work, time consuming, etc.? Stop putting self-limitations on yourself with the "I can'ts", and I guarantee you will be more productive and feel much better about yourself and your many accomplishments.
"You are stronger than you think."
Everyone really is stronger than they realize. We can only push ourselves so far, yet for instance, a fitness instructor seems to always be able to push us just a little bit further. Typically, the brain wants to quit on us long before the body has to. The minute we "feel the burn" or weakness, mentally we just want to stop. Perhaps this is self-protection & ego. The truth is, however, that the brain will want one to quit long before true muscle failure. So, you really are stronger than you think! Believe that you are stronger than you can even recognize and push yourself to 1 more rep, 10 more seconds, and so forth.
"Fake it 'til you make it."
Try this. Perhaps you aren't the most coordinated person on the planet. Embrace whatever it is being asked of you in the fitness world and give it a try. Maybe you won't start off at perfect, but BELIEVE that you will eventually be successful. Ultimately, whatever you struggle with will improve. It could be balance, coordination, or body control or another element. Act "as if" and a progession of improvement will eventually occur. It is surprising how far you can take yourself with this simple approach. FYI, other people will notice improvement in you long before you do. Be patient with yourself and don't quit.
"Hard work = results. Results = motivation."
Most folks starting a fitness program quit before they find what I call "the hook". I define "the hook" as results. If you are willing to put in hard work for 6 to 8 weeks, then you are going to be rewarded with results. It is so much easier to be motivated when you get good results. Unfortunately, those that quit early, or do not put in the hard work, do not reach the point in time where results appear and motivation really kicks in.
"Save the drama for your mama."
Whining, negativity & mental resistance never avail good outcomes. Try putting energy normally spent on those things into being positive and embracing a can-do attitude instead. Consciously decide to burn more calories on being positive instead of negative. Don't rain on anyone else's parade with drama, sob stories and excuses. Decide to try, and decide to be the best that you can be.
I hope you can draw strength and insight from at least one of these. If you don't, pass them along to someone else!