Well, it's official, I have lived long enough to "see it all" in this business. Rick Warren, famous pastor of Saddleback Church, has kicked off a weight loss initiative. Apparently, because he wants to lose weight, it is also a great time for loyal followers to follow the same path.
As a fitness professional, I have a real problem with this. On the whole, people are more comfortable following than leading. Therefore, thousands are extremely willing to follow the efforts of one's initiative. The problem here is that one huge consideration is not being addressed: One man's initiative does not mean that thousands of followers are individually ready to begin a weight loss program. Why? Because what determines behavior can be predicted by one's true readiness to attempt change.
A little scientific model exists called the transtheoretical model or TTM, and it is a model created around readiness for change. The model can be defined as follows:
-Precontemplation: Not contemplating or thinking about changing
-Contemplation: Weighing up pros & cons
-Preparation: Getting ready to make changes
-Action: Practicing new behaviors
-Maintenance: Making new behaviors habitual
The truth is that wanting to begin a fitness program does not translate to true readiness. I would say this is the case for the majority attempting this church led effort. Instead, for the majority to be successful, they would have to be in the "Action" phase. Who at Saddleback is talking about this?
When I started my fitness business five years ago, obesity was already an epidemic. It is not a new epidemic and we do not have to get aggressive about solving the epidemic because it is the beginning of the year. I am downright resentful and angry that I now have to dissect, explore & intervene on what boils down to one more weight loss program floating around the world in which I operate. My opinion as a professional is that there is TOO MUCH information abroad, and many "experts" push different priorities, products and efforts. Everything you could ever currently want to know about health & fitness, and what one should be doing already exists and is accessible via the local library or Internet. Still, despite earnest intentions of helping the general public attain healthier lifestyles, this effort will be largely unsuccessful.
Our society suffers from "fitness A.D.D." and that means that the general public will attempt almost anything for a couple of weeks. They might even pick & choose what aspects they want to implement. I don't care if it is "cleansing", the HCG, Atkins, or South Beach Diet. More often then not, people will give real power and common sense away to participate in the next bandwagon promising real change. I have grown weary of seeing people hit the "reset" button and abandon one plan they committed to in order to make room for something else.
I will be here when the dust settles on this "God based" weight loss program to work with individuals that have reached a true stage of readiness to change, and to heal the scars of more failed weight loss attempts.